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Working with lots of big JSON Lines files in R

May 22, 2020

If you, like me, work with publicly available Twitter databases, you might find yourself with a large number of huge JSON Lines files, like the COVID-19-TweetIDs database. In this database, you’ll find the IDs of all tweets since late January 2020 mentioning any of several COVID-19-related buzzwords, typically divided into 23 files for each day. A Python script included in the database turns each file of IDs into a .jsonl file of hydrated tweets, some of which can exceed 1 Gb. Even with a decent computer, processing and transforming these files into manageable data frames in R can be pretty taxing, mostly because of the non-uniformity of the data and the way the jsonlite package handles .jsonl files.

The following code loops through all the .jsonl files in a folder, extracts only the fields you request and provides you with uniform .csv files which can then later be re-imported in R without any of the problems you may have run into working with Twitter data in this format. Some commentary on the code follows.


## Replace '...' with the directory that has your files
files = dir(pattern = "*.jsonl$")

## As many JSON fields as you want go here, for instance:
cols = c(

for (i in 1:length(files)){
  start = Sys.time()
  lines = readLines(files[i])
  temp = do.call(
      lines, function(x)
  colnames(temp) = cols
  y = as.data.frame(temp)
  save_as_csv(y, sub("jsonl", "csv", files[i]), prepend_ids = T, fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
  end = Sys.time()
  message(files[i], ": ", round(difftime(end, start, units = "mins"), 2), 
    " minutes for ", length(lines), " tweets")
  # file.remove(files[i])
  ## Uncomment above if you want the jsonl files to be permanently deleted (like if space is an issue)

In this database at least, each line of the .jsonl (that is, each tweet) has a variable amount of information, from 200 to – on rare occasions – upwards 600 fields. In my study, I only need about 30, some of which (like geographic information) may additionally be entirely absent from a given tweet. As of writing, the fromJSON() call from the jsonlite package automatically takes care of this when the flatten = TRUE option is specified, but only with standard .json files. Trying to run this command on an entire .jsonl file will run into an error (“trailing garbage”) at the first line break. Note also that this command now returns a data frame from .json files but lists from individual .jsonl lines.

We could work around this by brute-forcing a conversion from each .jsonl to .json, for example, by replacing all line breaks (save for the last) with a comma and by placing the entire string between [ ], but this can be a time-consuming process and proves ultimately unnecessary.

As some solutions on StackOverflow suggest, we could import and unlist each tweet individually in order to build a database iteratively in a for loop. As this will provide us named character vectors of differing lengths, we can simply name in advance those elements that we want to retain (if present) or append (if absent) by creating a vector of field names (called cols here) and subsetting the output of unlist(). Since the names of those fields absent from a given tweet will be missing (in addition to their values, obviously), we have to replace the names of the vector with cols. Running this on every line of each .jsonl file using lapply(), we get uniform vectors that we can ultimately bind together with do.call(). The result is a single, large matrix which we’ll be converting to a data frame and saving as a .csv file. (Because a lot can go wrong between exporting and (re-)importing .csv files of Twitter data, this script uses the save_as_csv function from the rtweet package.)

We then loop this over all the files in a given folder, and a message tells us when each file is done. Finally, file.remove() can be called to permanently delete the .jsonl files if memory is an issue.

A good take-away from this code is the relative efficiency of the apply() family, in comparison with a for loop. Benchmarking this code versus a nested for loop showed the lapply() approach to be up to 10 times faster, and with large files like these, that can make the difference between 2 and 20 minutes per file!

For resources on why for loops are slow, try these links, and for a great resource on converting for loops to apply() functions, look here.