michael dow en | fr


Ph.D. Linguistics, French linguistics (joint)
Indiana University (2014)

M.A. Linguistics
Indiana University (2013)

M.A. French Linguistics
Indiana University (2012)

B.A. French, Classics
Saint Olaf College (2008)

Expérience académique

Professeur agrégé
Université de Montréal (2014 – présent)
Département de linguistique & de traduction

Revue canadienne de linguistique/Canadian Journal of Linguistics (2022 - présent)

Associate instructor
Indiana University (2009 - 2014)
Department of French & Italian, Department of linguistics


Articles avec revue scientifique

Tracing the evolution of the gender of "COVID-19" in the French of three continents: A traditional and social media study
Michael Dow & Patrick Drouin. (2023). Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue Canadienne de Linguistique, 68(3), 486-513

L1 phonological effects on L2 (non-)naïve perception: A cross-language investigation of the oral-nasal vowel contrast in Brazilian Portuguese.
Ruth Martinez, Heather Goad & Michael Dow. (2021). Second Language Research, 39(2), 387-423

A phonetic-phonological study of vowel height and nasal coarticulation in French
Michael Dow. (2020). Journal of French Language Studies, 30(3), 239-274

Tongue displacement, vowel height and nasality in Québec French: An acoustic and articulatory study
Michael Dow, Mark Gibson & Charles Johnson. (2019). Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 23, 130-147

Nasalisation régressive en picard et en français : Preuves phonétiques des différences phonologiques
Michael Dow. (2016). Bien dire et bien aprandre 32, 27-52

The coronal fricative problem
Daniel Dinnsen, Michael Dow, Judith A. Gierut, Michelle L. Morrisette & Christopher R. Green. (2013). Lingua 131, 157-178

Chapitres de livre

The morphophonology of nouns in Najamba (Dogon)
Christopher R. Green C & Michael Dow. (2018). In Obeng S, Green C. African Linguistics in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Paul Newman, 57-69

Actes de congrès

Twitter-MPhon: Studying morphophonological variation with Twitter data
Michael Dow, François Lareau & Patrick Drouin. (accepted). Proceedings of the 2023 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association

Temporal vs. area-sum formulae of vowel nasality in simulated and nasometric corpora
Michael Dow. (2023). Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 748-752

The Open Letter: Responses and recommendations
Itamar Kastner, Hadas Kotek, Anonymous, Rikker Dockum, Michael Dow, Maria Esipova, Caitlin M. Green, Elise Stickles & Todd Snider. (2022). Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 7(1)

Experimental and typological approaches to nasal vowel sonority
Michael Dow. (2021). Proceedings of the 2020 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association

Subsegmental interactions between affrication and devoicing in Québec French
Michael Dow. (2020). Proceedings of the 2019 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association

A corpus study of phonological factors in novel English blends
Michael Dow. (2019). Proceedings of the 2018 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association

Ultrasound and nasometric evidence for high vowel nasalization in Montreal French
Michael Dow, Mark Gibson & Charles Johnson. (2019). Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1744-1748

Mind your /ti/'s and q's: A subsegmental approach to affrication in Québec French
Michael Dow. (2019). Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 41, 1-11.

Hybrid opacity in Berbice Dutch Creole
Michael Dow. (2013). Supplemental Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology, 1-14


Different [back] [round]’s: Lexical origin and vowel harmony in Turkish
Michael Dow & Jeffrey Lamontagne (2024). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (Ottawa, Canada).

Time a loan will tell: Phonological adaption of loanwords into Turkish on Twitter
Michael Dow & Jeffrey Lamontagne (2024). Changement et variation au Canada (CVC 13) (Montréal, Canada).

Temporal vs. area-sum formulae of vowel nasality in simulated and nasometric corpora
Michael Dow (2023). 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Prague, République tchèque).

Of pronoun havers and havers-not: The semantic shift of ‘pronoun’ in online political discourse
Kelly Biers, Michael Dow, Eric Beuerlein, Kimaya Guthrie, Sam McIntosh, & Heather Roberts-VanSickle (2023). UNCA Queer Studies Conference (Asheville, Caroline du Nord, É-U).

Applying Twitter data to linguistic research: Case studies in sound, form and meaning
Michael Dow (2023). Patterns and Singularities: Department of French and Italian Graduate Conference (conférence invitée) (Bloomington, Indiana, É-U).

Twitter-MPhon: Studying morphophonological variation with Twitter data
Michael Dow, François Lareau & Patrick Drouin (2023). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (Toronto, Canada).

The Open Letter: Responses and Recommendations
Itamar Kastner, Hadas Kotek, Anonymous, Rikker Dockum, Michael Dow, Maria Esipova, Caitlin M. Green, Elise Stickles & Todd Snider (2022). Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (Washington, D.C., É-U).

L'évolution du genre du mot "COVID-19" dans le français de trois continents: Une étude de deux corpus médiatiques
Michael Dow & Patrick Drouin (2021). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (En ligne).

Liquid consonants and onset sonority in Dogon languages
Michael Dow (2021). 50 ans de linguistique à l'UQAM : Regards croisés sur les enjeux de la linguistique (En ligne).

Experimental and typological approaches to nasal vowel sonority
Michael Dow (2020). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (En ligne).

Subsegmental interactions between affrication and devoicing in Québec French
Michael Dow (2019). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (Vancouver, Canada).

Mind your /ti/'s and q's: A subsegmental approach to affrication in Québec French
Michael Dow (2019). Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonetics-Phonology Workshop (Toronto, Canada).

Ultrasound and nasometric evidence for controlled high vowel nasalization in Montreal French
Michael Dow, Mark Gibson & Charles Johnson (2019). 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (Melbourne, Australie).

A corpus study of phonological factors in novel English blends
Michael Dow (2018). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (Regina, Canada).

Let me see that truncussy: Elucidating patterns in a novel blending meme
Michael Dow (2018). Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonetics-Phonology Workshop (Hamilton, Canada).

Vowel-specific metrics of phonological nasalization in French
Michael Dow (2017). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (Toronto, Canada).

Phonological Consequences of high front vowel nasalization in French
Michael Dow (2017). Manchester Phonology Meeting (Manchester, Angleterre).

Elucidating Dogon prosodic structures: the case of liquid ‘flip-frops’ in Beni (Dogon)
Michael Dow, Ryan Hendrickson & Christopher R. Green (2017). Annual Conference on African Linguistics (Bloomington, Indiana, É-U).

Temporal vs. area-sum measurements of vowel nasality
Michael Dow (2016). Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (Washington, D.C., É-U).

Phonetic evidence for nasal vowel markedness parameters
Michael Dow (2016). North American Phonology Conference (Montréal, Canada).

Issues in identifying nasal vowel markedness
Michael Dow (2015). Old World Conference in Phonology (Barcelona, Espagne).

High vowel nasalization and contrast preservation in French
Michael Dow (2015). Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne de linguistique (Ottawa, Canada).

Multiple repairs for voiced obstruent codas in Berbice Dutch Creole
Michael Dow (2013). Manchester Phonology Meeting (Manchester, Angleterre).

Too much, too little, too late: Hybrid opacity in Berbice Dutch Creole
Michael Dow (2013). Mid-Continental Phonetics & Phonology Conference (Ann Arbor, Michigan, É-U).

Hybrid opacity in Berbice Dutch Creole
Michael Dow (2013). Annual Meeting on Phonology (Amherst, Massachussetts, É-U).

Towards a unified taxonomy of dual interactions
Michael Dow (2013). Department of Linguistics 50th anniversary celebration (Bloomington, Indiana, É-U).

On the seemingly opaque morphophonology of Najamba (Dogon)
Michael Dow & Christopher R. Green (2010). Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology (Evanston, Illinois, É-U).

Subventions & prix

(Chercheur principal et/ou unique pour toutes les subventions, sauf indication contraire)

Subvention Développement-Savoir, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH)
Harnessing Twitter for morphophonological variation. Co-chercheurs: François Lareau, Patrick Drouin. Collaborateurs: Jeffrey Lamontagne, Kevin Rottet. (2021-presént). 71,556 $ (CAD)

Subvention interne, Université de Montréal/CRSH
Une étude pilote sur l'adaptation de données Twitter pour la morphophonologie. (2021-2023). 5,533 $ (CAD)

Subvention interne, Université de Montréal/CRSH
Vers une automatisation du traitement de schwa dans des corpus de français nord-americain. (2019-2022). 5,892 $ (CAD)

Subvention interne, Université de Montréal/CRSH
Encadrer la variation phonétique dans des théories binaires: La nasalisation vocalique chez la population bilingue montréalaise. (2018-2021). 4,670 (CAD) $

Subvention Savoir, CRSH (collaborateur)
L'Hypothèse lexicaliste et la représentation mentale des noms déverbaux. Chercheurs principaux: Daniel Valois, Phaedra Royle. (2016-2019). 44,350 $ (CAD)

Subvention interne, Université de Montréal/CRSH
Une étude pilote de nasalisation contextuelle en français québécois. (2018-2019). 4,215 $ (CAD)

Doctoral Dissertation Research grant, National Science Foundation, Linguistics
Structural differences between French and Picard: Evidence from phonetics and phonology. (2014-2016). 12,449 $ (USD)

Householder Research Funds
Department of Linguistics, Indiana University. (2014). 500 $ (USD)

Gertrude F. Weathers Fellowship
Department of French & Italian, Indiana University. (2014). 5,250 $ (USD)

Grace P. Young Award
Department of French & Italian, Indiana University. (2012).

Évaluation de subventions:

  • Développement-Savoir, CRSH (2023, 2024)
  • Subventions doctorales CRSH, Université de Montréal (2023, 2024)

Évaluation d'articles:

  • Journal of Phonetics (2 articles)
  • Language (1 article)
  • Journal of French Language Studies (2 articles)
  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2 articles)
  • Second Language Research (1 article)
  • The Mental Lexicon (1 article)
  • Speech Communication (1 article)
  • Communication, lettres et sciences du langage (1 article)
  • Glossa (2 articles)
  • Lingua (2 articles)
  • Indiana University Linguistics Club Working Papers Online (2 articles)
  • Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas Proceedings (1 article)
  • Actes des français d’ici 2018 (1 article)

Évaluation de résumés:

  • Annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America
  • International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences
  • Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages
  • Annual Congress of the Canadian Linguistic Association
  • Change and Variation in Canada

Comités de l'Association canadienne de linguistique:

  • Comité de programme
  • Comité des communications étudiantes
  • Comité ad hoc committee, raport avec la Linguistic Society of America
  • Comité ad hoc committee, Olympiade canadienne de linguistique

Compétences & varia


  • R (avancé)
  • LaTeX (intermédiaire)
  • Développement de sites web (HTML, CSS) (intermédiaire)
  • Python (débutant)
  • SQL (débutant)


  • Microsoft Office (avancé)
  • Power BI (débutant)


  • English (natif)
  • French (quasi-natif)
  • Spanish (débutant)
J'ai également lu du latin avancé et du grec ancien à l'université, mais cela fait longtemps ;)